Scrnlink is Screen Time & Location Tracker parental control app, with features like kids’ screen time control & location tracking, activity report, Content Monitoring, Safe Search, website filtering, game/porn blocking. ✓ Scrnlink is the app every parent needs to keep their child safe online.
Scrnlink Parental Control download it now

Scrnlink is Screen Time & Location Tracker parental control app, with features like kids’ screen time control & location tracking, activity report, Content Monitoring, Safe Search, website filtering, game/porn blocking.
Content Monitoring
✓ Scrnlink is the app every parent needs to keep their child safe online. Our advanced monitoring system checks text messages, YouTube, and over 30 social media platforms for cyberbullying, adult content, and other concerns. You’ll receive alerts only when something potentially problematic occurs, so you can take action and keep your child safe.
✓ Track calls and SMS messaging
✓ Monitor YouTube videos which your child was watched
✓ Block YouTube videos and channels
Screen Time Control
✓ Track and plan the screen-time using of kids
✓ Remotely block or allow the using via screentime control
Phone Activity Report
✓ Remotely track phone activities like YouTube, TikTok, etc
✓ View what apps kids install or uninstall
Tracking App: Location Tracker & GPS Phone Tracker
✓ Find your kids’ current location to ensure safety
✓ Track kids’ location history by timeline
App/Game blocker & Usage
✓ Block or restrict specific inappropriate apps
✓ Send instant alert when children try to open blocked apps or games
✓ Keep track of YouTube kids
Website Filter and Brower History
✓ Filter websites to shield kids from porn, gamble or other threatening sites
✓ Track children’s browsing history
This app uses Accessibility services to build an excellent device experience that helps users with behavioral disabilities set appropriate levels of access and monitoring of screen time, web content and apps, in order to limit their risks and enjoy life normally.
• This app uses the Device Administrator permission
• This app uses Accessibility services