One4Wall was created to offer you unique wallpapers, handcrafted by our staff. Every Friday, we will be adding new wallpapers! Important: Please check our Settings menu at the top right to ensure that the Wallpapers are loading correctly. Some users have problems with wallpapers not loading because they aren’t selected.
One4Wall contains:
One4wall wallpaper for android and iPhone

1. 700 Free Wallpapers
2. 700 Premium Wallpapers
High quality vector wallpapers stored in cloud are available. The One4Wall wallpaper app thumbnails are of a slightly lower quality that the wallpapers you actually apply. You will need a reliable internet connection to be able to use the app.
You will see 4 tabs in the One4Wall App:
1. Walls
This tab contains free wallpapers that can be downloaded or applied from the app. Select a category to quickly locate walls.
2. Premium
This tab contains premium One4Wall wallpapers. Every collection has a different number of premium wallpapers. The Pro key allows you to unlock all premium wallpapers and collections, including those that are being added in future updates of One4Wall. Switch between the Collections and All view. Sorted by popularity date or name.
3. Favorites
This tab contains all the wallpapers that you have saved as favorites.
4. One4Studio
This tab contains links to other apps we have created. You can also support us by buying one or more of these apps.
Please take a look at each wall before you buy Pro key. This will allow you to see the expected outcome. Refund requests sent by email are not accepted. Thank you for understanding!
We appreciate your support and reviews of our wallpapers.
This wall can be used in conjunction with one of our icons packs or kwgt widgets.